This fun-filled show for the whole family includes the strange and fascinating story of innocent Lucy and the mesmerizing Count in a Transylvanian Tale full of mists and mysterious castles. Then, as a joyful contrast, we dance with Crocodile River Music, an African ensemble that will have you singing and swaying to the wild entrancing rhythms of the jungles and savannahs. With the youthful sounds of our own Neighborhood Strings, you have a concert not to miss!
Neighborhood Strings, our inner-city strings program for at-risk youth, will open the concert.
Artwork created by students from the Worcester East Middle School
Bring a book to donate to Reach out and Read! Purchase your book at Barnes and Nobles in Milbury and they will donate a % of the proceeds to Neighborhood Strings.
Sunday, March 3, 2019 3:00-4:00 PM
Mechanics Hall
321 Main Street, Worcester
DEAK Lucy and the Count
Crocodile River Music African medley
JORDAN Bamako Beyond, composed for WCMS and Crocodile River Music
Free admission, reservations required
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Tracy Kraus, flute; Krista Buckland Reisner and Rohan Gregory, violins;
Peter Sulski, viola; Joshua Gordon, cello
With guests Nathan Varga, double bass; and Crocodile River Music
Funded in part by grants from the Paxton, Shrewsbury and Worcester Cultural Councils, local agencies funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
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